You are what you chose to look like. People are fools, and you have every right not to enlighten them. People are happiest when they are manipulated without their will. Try it, if you do not believe. You will be dissapointed.
Each human will confess of his strife for betterment. Improvement, they will emphasize, is a characteristic of homo sapien. Why then, if a being lives for improvement, the society always heads towards destruction. The time changes, but never for good. What is this strange oxymoronic relationship between a man and his group.
We are creatures bounded to the physical world and the platonic relationships of the resultant co-existance. Entropy effects us on the same scale as it effects a falling glass.
Passing moments, days, weeks, months, years are the units of increasing entropy in our life. How then we validate our claim of gaining wisdom with the age? Infact, Alzhimer is our disease; the plague of the rationals.
The search for realization is a faint try to avoid a combustive increase in entropy of our concious mind. The knowledge and education are a hoax. The god is a balancing digit in a still unbalanced equation. With all these variables there is only one constant. There is only one truth. The death. Everybody dies, from our society to a mongring whore.