Friday, July 29, 2005


There is a castle, and it rests below the waters. Fish swim by, and call it their home. There is a hydra plant next to the castle. The fish love to peck on his pointed leaves. He leans over the castle and likes to think that he is protecting the castle from the scorching heat of the light bulb. The castle is indifferent to Hydra.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

I hate giving titles to everything I write!

Yestarday I saw a different kind of movie: The keeper: The Legend of Omar Khayam. I went to see another movie but the name attracted me immediately.
Most of the movie was shot in Isfahan, Iran, and Nishapur, Iran, and the remaining in Houston, TX. The theme of the movie revolves around the love of Omar Khayam and Darya. But the insights that it reveals does not make that movie a love story by a long shot. Again, my curiosity was sparked by the huge difference in the notions of love in east and west.
I highly recomend that movie to anyone who is a searcher of truth, and knowledge. Somehow, they both are attained through love. True love which is a struggle against impossible odds.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Lamenting caricature

csilence100: cheer up its almost past midnight
csilence100: this is the time when heart ache blossoms
csilence100: and lonliness strikes with all its might
csilence100: lock the insomniac gates of your eyes
csilence100: let the wine and the cup flow
csilence100: now no one, no one will disturb you.

(suggestion to a depressed friend across the Internet on AOL)

Monday, July 25, 2005

Fedora or Suse, that is the question my friend!

The enlightenment that took me by surprise came only after the discovery of the RF feature in my PCMCIA Netgear Wireless card. I was unaware that this WiFi device is compatible with Atheros, and hence, can generate special type of Arp request called 802.11_ARP instead of regular Ethernet ARP. So I installed them. This unleashed the power that I had always wanted from a network device, but with futile practices under incomplete wit! I had a project and that was to crack WEP encryption for 802.11 b/g networks. The first step had been taken with the installation of Atheros drivers and I was ready for the next step.

I wrote a small piece of code (about 700 lines) in C++ to exploit a weekness in the primitive WEB standard. With extreme concentration during debugging the code execution was successful, and the software was ready to crack! This was not the first time I had proved the Knights of Standards and Practices wrong (of course I am reffering to the RFC of WEP). I powered by card and unleashed the beast in it with my software to sniff. And Sniff it did.
After many a arp injections into the victim network (ofcourse the test network in the lab) and mac spoofing of the victim computer, I was finally able to crack WEP encryption. Then I polished my techniques and finalized the practice in steps.

Now I have this amazing tool that can crack WEP encryption of a WiFi network in eight to ten minutes. The only problem: I cannot run it on windows; I need Linux for it. So now I search for a good flavor of linux for my laptop. A flavor which will rejuvinate my ears by a working sound card. A flavor which will be gentle on my fingers by making the touch pad work. A flavor which will indulge into humanitarian actions by conserving the power (battery power for prolonged laptop use). A flavor which will encompass all abstractions of hardware compatibility chanelling them into proper easy to use interfaces. It will be one flavor to rule them all!

Will it be Fedora or will it be Suse? That is the question my friend!

Saturday, July 23, 2005


u say my name and then you vanish
behind those flowing packets of bits;
behind the webs of wires and technology.
absorbed in the space
as a discontinuity in the time continum.

Necessities and emotions

So why did Cordillia die? Why did imogen die? Why did Lear die? Why did Romeo die?
Perhaps they missunderstood love or Damn Shakespeare and literature?

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

those among us who know

Those among us who know what it is
that really seperates the soul from the body,
and what breaths courage into the hearts
of those who stand stout and witness
the afflictions of their ambitions;
How words come to life
as they are taken of the paper
and into the flames of fractured humanity
to yeild the notions of new a ideology.

Those among us who know how it is
the billegerent pain of the night,
the contemplating lonliness,
striking on the wooden walls,
and beating into the chest
without a glass of carmine.

Those among us who know what it is
that keeps a phantom awake till dawn,
lets him past the barriers of muse,
unemerge through the sees of thought,
and then lets him stand lost staring
the human sentiments blossom
under the iron bridges of civilisation.

Those among us who know what it is
know for sure it is not the necessity,
its not the reaction of chemicals in self,
and not just a raga of rationality.
They will never name it so
the bridges of iron civilisation
would not collapse.

Wow I really dont know how to write!!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Of Roses, rainbows and death

Roses blossom and clouds fade
Rain falls and rainbows stay
Till the sun goes down,
Or the winds sets it apart.
I was a sole jasmine
In the desert of you and I,
Ever waiting for a rain;
For a drop of water,
That would relieve my thirst
Of you and I.
I wilted, and waited
for the moisture of your lips;
like an ocean 's embrace
of an island 's shore.
I dried and waited
For a drizzle
from the corner of your eye.
Now, I am dying like a camellia in a vase;
Now I fade like a rose on a stage;
A bird in a cage.
A sea in a rage
Will greet the island,
And I will be the trees who welcome
Those high tides of flowing death.

Milky Way

I saw you and forgot
Myself; to be reminded again
In a way that I never dreamed of.
I saw the rain drops
Falling from the sky;
Unconcerned of their destiny
Ignorant that they will strike the ground;
Perhaps aware that they will become one
With what they once flowed from.
I was as a wind
Over the burning sand
In the desert of
Burning desire hoping
To witness for once,
Before the earth cracks apart,
Before ashes and dust:
The reality of breath;
The truth of my flesh;
the vapours of my soul.
And I did realize
in the messages
etched on the stones.
In you I found
Myself, and I.
In you I saw,
You and I
Merging together,
As two galaxies collide
To become one,
And exist together
For what may come,
As one Milky Way.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Spring has arrived and the questions shall be answered by the subtle changes in the direction of the winds. The rain drops while falling from the sky are worrying about if they are pre-destied or will they become victimes to mere coincidences; soon to be forgotten as the earth is near. (to be continued)

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Hope is supposedly a good thing. Hope broadens the horizons and blah blah blah. Eversince I have been hopeful; ever since my horizons have been broadened; ever since the fog of ambiguity has lifted from my life: I cannot write anymore! There is some kind of barrier that has formed, and it stops the flow of the words; flow of the thoughts, who are trying to reach my hands and onto the screen. It is not so that I cannot think any more. I think, I still think, but the melancholic thoughts have undergone a metamorphosis. The thoughts now are of gratitude, ambition, and willingness to change. I feel my old self is back!

Ever since that epiphany, my rennisance, a certain part of my brain has been dedicated to think about that messiah. The person who triggered this chain reaction in myself. The person cannot be blamed (if thats the right word) for this change in me. The sole purpose of the fire is to burn and set ablaze, and similarly, the wood catches fire; one must not attach stigma to the naturally defined roles of the two; they are inevitable. Hence, I burn!

Like an old oak skin, the accumalated toll of stagnancy is wearing off me. When I breathe now I can, again, smell the jasmines in the air; the bud that has just blossomed into a flower. Taking a walk in the park, I felt the wind caress, through my hair, my temples. I closed my eyes, and opened them to see the dance of sand on the flutes, and then trumpets of the wind. As I drove by, I saw a handicapped, homeless, man on a wheel chair rejuvinated when he was able to tune a channel on his old radio.

A desert has come to life after an astray rain cloud made its way over the dry sands. Invain my attempts are to justify what has happened. It was like a magic. It was Hawa*.

*Hawa is Eve in arabic. Hawa means magic.

Monday, July 04, 2005

a bate for every season

I was going through my blog and noticed a pattern in recent posts. Due to some unknown reason, the posts are absurdly melanchollic in tone.
Well lets change it; the next 5 posts will be created with the purest intentions of the embodiment of the soul-chuckling-humor.
This post may be counted in, if one tries to find the relationship of the heading with the post. I certainly cant.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

just thought of it

My tears are no morning dew;
If I cry they'll carry the Noah's arc.

Saturday, July 02, 2005


I sat there on the floor with my head in between my knees, watching in the void in the dim light of the computer screen; weeping my sorrows. A shadow appeared next to me; her face was covered in darkness. I stood up to her, and lighted the space with the sparks of my curiosity. The shadow took form of an image in the looking glass. I glanced through the silverish material and my eyes met those hazel eyes. A breeze blew behind me, and her dark hair fluttered lightly, like a pendulum swinging, by the lobe of her ear. A time went by, as we stared at each other.

The image through the looking-glass spoke to me; her lips moving, and eyes gesturing, as I responded exactly to the actions. The voice I heared came from a nearer source than from the glass. I rose my hand to touch the perfection - the imperfection of myself met the perfection of the image; the hands touched but the feeling was empty -- the glass insulated our heats on each side.

Confused, and disapointed perhaps, I watched her leaning towards me, with her blazing hazel eyes focused on mine. A force pushed me in the same gesture towards her. Her lips were so close to mine, when she let out a sweet breath; like a whisper, which I understood. There arose a mist in between us. My heart broke. As her image blurred, I smelled the fragrance of her breath. She had, as if, broken the spell of the mirror, and had crossed the boundaries. I felt her breath, and that fog started running through my veins. We somehow became one. The imperfections of myself vanished into her perfections, as she vanished into me. I found myself standing infront of the mirror, as a better man, than I were before.