Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The Last Temptation of {your name here}

"Etherized upon a table"

Here it is: my first sonnet. It has three quatrains followed by a couplet. Just like a Shakespearean sonnet. You will notice however, the abscence of rhyme scheme and also the work lacks iambic pentameter.

The last temptation of {your name here}

The anus resonates with the clouds
shedding tears, the earth grieving,
and the spincher pulsating
with the thorns still hanging out.

A sigh follows every pain impulse.
The door opens to reveal a cactus.
The breath deepens, the bowels swell.
the intestines yells, from the growling dark well.

Destiny is revealed
in shattered pieces.
Like silk on thorns,
and thorns when pulled.

After three quatrains you expect conclusion:
behind every poet there is a crying anus.


Anonymous said...

weird...need more notes !

Vincent said...

lol - what kind of notes? Isnt this self-explainatory?

Vincent said...

Dont you see the irony in it? It is 14 lines and in a closed form of a sonnet, but is it poetry? NO!
I wish somebody tell my professor who has spent 4 lectures on the form of sonnet; somebody tell him that poetry is independant of the form; somebody tell him that its the content that matters and not the form.
I think its Satirical.

Anonymous said...

now that i know the "why" of this poem, i can appreciate it much more than when i first read it.
and i think the concept of writing a sonnet with no content, or bad content, to prove a point - that a priori content precedes form - is great.
love it.