Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Things to consider before a suicide

"Etherized upon a table"

This is so beautiful, this music. Its on this internet radio. I do not know its name, though I think its the Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. On the surround sound system it really fills up my entity with pleasure. I was gonna get drunk, but I gave up the idea. I do not want to be brain numb and I certainly do not want to close my eyes on real issues. With thick smoke of this cuban cigar, and the sounds of violins filling the room, I have begun to write about this idea: Suicide.
Why do people commit suicide? Why do people even feel suicidal? What is this whole idea rooted into? I am not planning to explore the epestemological foundations of suicide in one blog, I could if I wanted to, however. Are there any observations, or things that needs to be aprehended to thought phenomenon of the mind before one commits suicide? One perspective on suicide can portray the action as the most beautiful thing a human can do. A human, who is brought into this world without his own will, and left alone on the currents of events on a weak raft of theories like Carpe Diem, is expected to be rational. The greatness, as they percieve it, is stemed in the right decisions, action, strong beliefs and all that fuckin crap that they preach all the time. If all that hyped mountains of kakadookie were true then, the chances are, i wouldnt be writing this and you wouldnt be reading this.
We were talking about the beauty of suicide, before we got a little distracted. Coming back to the note now; one may percieve it as the ultimate manifestation of the free will. Its the victory of personal freedom, its equivalennt to the celebration of 200 years of presidency, its the zeus of the freedom mythology. A person choses to end the misery probably experiences the triumph of curiosity and subjugation of the rational reasoning. He refuses to belive in the lame theories created by living men about life: though shalt not fuck thy self etc. He choses to experience it all by himself. It is ironic how major religions are against suicide. Suicide, infact, is the ultimate thing a person can do to become whole with god.

I will finish this blog some other time, i am not in the mood any more. That sucks!?


Anonymous said...

it's really captivating to me how people can get so carried away by faulty logic. Your reasoning is akin to the truth you can find in a sentence such as:
"The circle has 3 corners."
The sentence is gramatically correct, but it contains no truth. none whatsoever, does it?
Likewise, your entry contains no truth. People who claim that suicide is the ultimate manifestation of freedom have never been suicidal. If you want to talk about real depression and true feelings of suicide, read up in depression and suicide first bhai. You know why? Cuz there is nothing to glorify therein.
Suicide is the resenting ot that which we have, in persuit of something that is not tangible, that is not even proven to exist. And to chase it is to prove to be impatience.
and as you know, patience is the greatest virtue.
I could go on, but it really isn't worth it unless you give me some input.

Vincent said...

patience is the greateest virtue, but what is a virtue? I ask you, what is it?

Anonymous said...

thats -so- beside the point.
But i'll answer your anyway, ok?
virtue is excellence in moral behaviour. I believe that it is innate in human beings to love moral excellence. We love it and strive for it. That is part of the rationale package. We are reasoning logical beings, and being such, we love virtue and search for it. Those who reject it, do so either not becuase of wickedness, but because of lack of understanding, or either because of rebellion brought upon by phychological trauma which impares the object of love: virtue and good becomes something other, like pain, abuse, evil, or other such things which are also normal in human beings, but are not what we innately strive for... but rather strive to eliminate.
patience, pushed to its ultimate application i guess, allows you to live (not commit suicide), because your suppress the eagerness of knowing what comes next...

True liberty is not as most people believe, giving in to your wildest fantasy, but rationalizing a situation in a way that allows you to make a decision - a virtous decision.

Vincent said...

You talk about loving the excellence! How ignorant can it be? What proof do you want for your self invited destruction? This idea of love is behind every war the human history has witnessed. Its an exaggeration of impotency!
There is no such thing as love, its all infatuation. Read epiphanic thoughts. Its about the rose bushes and the thorns.

Anonymous said...

just because u dont know what love is, doesnt mean there is no such thing.
to claim that you know that an abstract concept shared among all nations accross all time doesn't exist is a little cocky, dont u think?
Lose is not behind every warm, rather it is the pretext used to seduce the masses. I didnt think someone of your intellectual caliber would have produced such an ill founded reply!
love your debates, keep it going. I am always writing more in your other posts, too, how come u dont reply!

Anonymous said...

Lose is not behind every warm, rather it is the pretext used to seduce the masses

i meant:
Love is not behind every war...

Vincent said...

I dont know what you mean, but I do know that black people love to seduce the massee!

Vincent said...

I prefer to listen Mozart than Wagner, because, according to Woody Allen, "I can't listen to that much Wagner. I start getting the urge to conquer Poland."