Sunday, September 13, 2009

paralell universes and Rubicon

I have been searching, as long as I can remember, for my Rubicon, so when I am standing on the banks I can make the right decision. I have seen every step, every puddle, every stream, every spring morph into that point of no return, and I have crossed every one of them, to find out I have been too cautious. Maybe, there is no such thing as a point of no return and life is like a chess board, and there is always something that can be done about a bad decision till the time actually runs out. I had almost convinced myself that I do not need to be on the guard anymore, and when the time comes, it would not matter, until that night. I finally walked to the bank of my river, and saw a flashing light across it. The guiding light which is torturing me to investigate it and cross the river. So I am finally here, standing ... thinking. If I am to cross, there will be no coming back. I must chose, or I must find a way to exist in parallel universes so I can be here and there at the same time. The light is bright, and I am still unfulfilled.

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