Friday, April 15, 2005

Dear Edgar Allan Poe:

"Etherized upon a table"

I mourn the loss of melancholy, as my heart slums into a dark alley of the truths untold. I seek my refrain and find no Os in the repetetion of what the heart once adored. The elevation of the soul, and the pleasures of the heart are all stories a past -- the connotation does not varry; the allietrations invain: the ugliness lingers and the papers are stained, with words that follow like a tideous argument and questions, which are raised, but on the matter they fail: the poem does not exude beauty.


Anonymous said...

i would like t know what exactly you are talking about here.

do share the meaning with us.

i suspect the reason no one has psoted before me is that no one quite understood what the heck you are saying.

Vincent said...

Edgar Allan Poe's "The Philosophy of Composition". you can find the article at

Anonymous, are you the same anonymous, who is anonymous in some other comments too?