Friday, May 13, 2005


"Etherized upon a table"

Through my existance;
through my broken heart;
i feel that I am saying the turth.
I feel that I see things;
I see the reality
through the eyes of rationality,
I see througth a peespective
unkown to commen men.
I feel what only a few could feel.
I feel the pain,
I under go the suffering,
I see the saw put on my legs,
I see the blood flow through
the tense veins.
Then I wonder,
with a broken heart,
with a feeling that justice cannot
And I am bound to bear this,
and realize it as a truth
till I die;
ashes to ashes and dust to dust.
I though, wish
my eyes were a mirror
reflecting the reality
through those broken images.
I think that I understand the philosophy of life,
and I feel that its pretty much simple,
and one should not kill
to implement it
in their own fucking lives.


Anonymous said...

justice is a funny thing. there is't any... lest it be the light against injustice.
there not being injustice, we necessarily cannot know justice as a concept.
u say u know the philosophy of life.
tell us which.
one thing u say is for sure tho, for asnyone who is a theist.
life is sacred, mine as much as yours.

Anonymous said...

one more thing:
sounds like a boken heart. what is the cause, and whose heart is it?