Saturday, May 21, 2005

crap in D minor.

"Etherized upon a table"

Its been 3 weeks since i have lost my Muse. I cannot write anymore; my inspiration is dead. I picked up the pen earlier, but the light pelican feather was not strong enough to bear the rugged grip of my grief and just crumbled into my hands. The inkpot stayed there watching the pen die. However, later rejuvinated as my fingers invaded its tiny privacy limited only to the pens in the past. The paper and the pen both were played by my own skin. This play of caligraphy didnt last much long. Distracted by time itself perhaps, I looked outside the window to see the rain pouring through the leaves of an old willow tree. The greyness, with a thick accent of chill in its dialouge, was probably too harsh for me to bear. I tried to listen to what the falling drops had to say, but the murmurs of the fire in the fireplace, reaching out for me, were a distraction. I have told them before, but they never seem to listen and the flames are restless.


Anonymous said...

Very nice...I feel refreashed as though the rain was rinsing through my leaves and leaving me fresh, whole again, brought in... Leaving me, trouble putting my finger on it...ridding my murmers

Anonymous said...

the thing i love best abt this post is the title. let me tell u why.
it's like having lost ur muse u r trapped in a nostalgic zone, trying terrib;y to recapture the past, a blissful point in time where things seem to have beeb perfect.but now they are not, u have deârted that time, leaving u feeling low, like u wore all denim and fell in cold water on a windy evening. heavy and uncomfortable.
the interesting thing is that music played in a minor key always has a nostalgic, sad kind of tone. and even crap in the minor key sounds sad.
it set the mood for ur own mood, its real nice.