Saturday, July 02, 2005


I sat there on the floor with my head in between my knees, watching in the void in the dim light of the computer screen; weeping my sorrows. A shadow appeared next to me; her face was covered in darkness. I stood up to her, and lighted the space with the sparks of my curiosity. The shadow took form of an image in the looking glass. I glanced through the silverish material and my eyes met those hazel eyes. A breeze blew behind me, and her dark hair fluttered lightly, like a pendulum swinging, by the lobe of her ear. A time went by, as we stared at each other.

The image through the looking-glass spoke to me; her lips moving, and eyes gesturing, as I responded exactly to the actions. The voice I heared came from a nearer source than from the glass. I rose my hand to touch the perfection - the imperfection of myself met the perfection of the image; the hands touched but the feeling was empty -- the glass insulated our heats on each side.

Confused, and disapointed perhaps, I watched her leaning towards me, with her blazing hazel eyes focused on mine. A force pushed me in the same gesture towards her. Her lips were so close to mine, when she let out a sweet breath; like a whisper, which I understood. There arose a mist in between us. My heart broke. As her image blurred, I smelled the fragrance of her breath. She had, as if, broken the spell of the mirror, and had crossed the boundaries. I felt her breath, and that fog started running through my veins. We somehow became one. The imperfections of myself vanished into her perfections, as she vanished into me. I found myself standing infront of the mirror, as a better man, than I were before.

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