Thursday, August 25, 2005

A case for a nobel prize

When I was seven years old I could not understand simple mathematical addition. I knew that if 1 is added to 4 it makes 5. I also knew if 5 is added to another 5 it makes 10. But for some reason it was beyond my comprehension that if off two added 5s, 1 is subtracted, howcome, the answer is 9 and not 8. I was puzzled by this problem so much that after so many years, I still remember it.
When I was 12, I could not understand why an electric circuit doesnt work if the batteries' terminals are connected to similar poles instead of the opposite. I, somewhere during that time, created this electric circuit which lighted a bulb if my toy radio was catching a signal, and the bulb stood unlit if it didnt catch a signal. I still have that toy somwhere hidden in the memories.
I was about 13 when I outlined what are called "paradoxes of motion by Zeno", for the sake of outlinning something illogical in the science class, but instead I ended up discovering an anomaly in the numbering system.
At the age of 16 I wrote a paper about the descripencies in Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. Due to my non-existent Calculus skills, at that point, I was unable to make my point thoroughly, and had to rely on socratic reasoning and magical thinking mostly.
A year later I hypothesized and gave a psudo-methamatical equation for a probable time travel. My theory, if it had been accepted, would have resolved what is called "Grand Father paradox of time travelling". The simple answer to the Grand Father Pardox is that the grandfather would not have been a grandfather back then!
During the same time period a subject of mine, with my encouragement ofcourse, was able to test and prove all Freudian ideas. I have well documented proofs of Freud's theories, hence this staunch support for the school of thought. Please email me for the subject's name and other personal data, if interested in details.
18 years was the age when the things started changing their meaning. If my knowledge, reasoning skills, and perhaps wisdom is to be plotted on a cartisian plain, I would say that it shot up like DowJones did in 1995. It was the year I found out that I too cojito ergo sum.
I never fell in love. I would always consider love a strict platonic relationship between two opposite sexes. Where each individual acts selfishly to fulfil the prophecy of nature, and take their part in cycle of sex. Untill, when i eventually did. (The details are omitted to avoid the feelings of monotony in readers).

(gota go ... will continue this)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and i was puzzled with when and how does 1.999999999999999999, going on to infinity, get to 2?