Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The colors of distress - shallowness of hopelesness

The long hours have lost their charm and they pass as light does in a vacume. Once upon a time I was serious about my goals and ambitions, but now it seems, something has been displaced - entropy of my thoughts have increased, perhaps. I held a torch in my hand in a darkest hour of a cold night, and I could see a path, a walkway infront of me, in a radiant circle of the torch light. I only realized the trail led to a falling cliff when I was only a footstep from it. The torch light had nothing to illuminate except for that abysmal void.

In such moments only the rationality strides, and solve the truths of flummoxing mazes of ambitions, goals, and even vital predicaments. Pragmatized, I have that there is nothing worthy enough to be worried about. Life is a big farce - no, wrong. Life is but a note played on a piano that was lost in the air, and whose prescence is a function of a fading memory. This is all that maters: the fading moment that will soon be lost.
Why should one worry about the quizes, the exams, and even graduation then?


4ndi Land said...

ur burnt out.

Vincent said...

Tell me about "suddenly so transitory worries", I think I will find them believeable.
You know, I have never put in as strong an effort as I did into my degree and yet the graduation day seems far away. At times I wonder if I will ever be able to graduate after all, and not just die one day before it.
I think I am taking it too seriously. I need a break.

The Fool said...

Like a huge wave it will wash over you and as you lie in the sand pondering what hit you you'll suddenly realize that it's all over and in no-time you'll be reflecting on "the good old days" of college life. Trust me, it will happen, at least it does to me all the time. Carly Simon was right when she said that "these are the good old days".

shyloh's poetry said...

Hello vincent,

Thank you for the visit to my blog.
Life is but a dream. It is whatever we want it to be
so to speak. Dream on my love. It can get better if
we "THINK" it can.

Smile and aloha to you always.

Anonymous said...

In the words of the Late Professor Strung, "It is better to be wrong, than to demonstrate doubt." Keep up your chin, young man!