Friday, September 02, 2005


Violins in my ears
Cello in my ears
Trumpets and flutes
in my ears
They all stop; a proceeding silence
And then
The piano in my soul
Sings up
Harmonizing the resonating strings
Key after key
Majors and minors
Ds and Gs
Happiness followed by melancholy
These eyes bowing
To the spreading peace inside
The mind's cycles descending
15, 12, 10, 9
And then silence.
The Piano stops.
Trumpets and flutes
They play but I am asleep now.

1 comment:

4ndi Land said...

so lovely
sounds like tchikovski
sounds like u shud have been a pianist, also. if u take coupla yrs of theory and piano, classical, i bet u would come up with most beautiful compositions. i bet.