Friday, September 30, 2005

an advice

deepning thoughts weakens determination.


Anonymous said...

Action is the enemy of thought

Anonymous said...

Action is the enemy of thought

4ndi Land said...

i totally disagree sand0
you seem to regard humans as one dimensional. we have the capacity (or the curse at times) to log into automatic mode. like when ur chopping onions or driving home from the grocery store. this capacity of doing things on an automatic level allowes our intellect to roam free. most of us will sink into thoughts of what so and so said last night, or how can i make my curry if i dont have any meat. others, who likely are great minds, sink into thoughts of greater importance.
it is this ability that allows us to grow intellectually. otherwise we would never grow, or to grow, we would have to be paraplegic and totally dependant on someone else. consequently, people who are lazy would be great minds.

maybe thats the reason some men think that their wives are slaves. but i digress.

the point is, action is not the enemy of thought, unless the action in question is foreign and requires your undivided attention. and seeing as an action is only foreign for the first time you are doing it, most of the time, actions are favorable to thought, and we are designed to sink into thought when indulging in monotonous or habitual action.

in conclusion, ur wrong. and im right.

as usual.

Vincent said...

teapot, a person who is doing some other thing and thinking something else is called a Scattered Brain. Hope that your neurosurgeon is not thinking about his slave wife when he operates on you.
This automation is a degradation of humanity. Life must be full of challenges and to live it to the fullest one must never distance onself from the action by vanishing into some Nostalgia, or cheese cake and sex fantasy.

4ndi Land said...

akh i hate it when u do that, but its so much fun vince. you read into my words and u twist them up and make the wrong conclusion
the brain surgeon has a difference surgery every time, a different life and different complications. he has to be present mentally in case something goes wrong.
but when the brain surgeon is washing up his hands, he is not thinking about washing up his hands only, his mind might digress to the operating table, and whether the technique he is going t o use will be the right one. if he had to concentrate totally on washing his hands there woulod be no place for him to think about the upcoming surgery,
and thats what i was tlaking abt and u know it. take the time to listen to ppl in order to understand them vince.

Vincent said...

yes, while thinking something else during washing his hands he forgets to sanitize them and lo! gives the patient brain T.B.(Tuberclousis).

4ndi Land said...

when u have done something a billion times, u can do it just as well without having to concentrate with all your might on it.

Vincent said...

If you have done something a billion times in life, then I bet boredom infests you like a mongring bactirium. Its a waste of precious life.

4ndi Land said...

if tahts teh case why do u keep brushing your teeth, taking a shower, etc. there are certain things that u have to do, like take the bus to work, walk a block for lunch, clean your fridge, that require very very little attention on taht thing. perhaps in the case of the surgeon, there is more attention that is required, but even the surgeon takes a shower, and i doubt he is thinking 100% about how the wet soap is gliding upon the hairy arm pitts and lathers up etc. he is likely thinking about something more critical.

Vincent said...

correction: tuberculosis.